My Keto Story

How I lost 50 pounds of baby weight after delivery.

During my pregnancy, I was gaining a lot of weight, stress, and discouragement! Few months after giving birth to my first baby, my weight increased rapidly. I was over 190 pounds. I felt tired, weak, and a little defeated. I didn’t feel like that confident young woman I used to be when I saw myself in the mirror. I felt as if I was trapped in a stranger’s body and I knew I had to get myself out of it. My patients thought I was pregnant with a triplet and they kept asking me about it all the time!

There were some obvious things that come along as being a new mother. I wanted to be healthy for my family and wanted to be part of every activity. I felt very uncomfortable in my own skin and wanted to do something about it. All of my insecurities, motivated me to obtain a healthy lifestyle and to make a life change. I started following the keto diet plan with my husband. He strictly followed the diet plan 5 years ago and did a great job at maintaining the weight he lost with a balanced diet. During my pregnancy, I ate pretty much what I felt like while trying to make healthy choices. However, I have a sweet tooth and because of it, I gained almost 50 pounds during my pregnancy!! The biggest change for me with keto is feeling so good being off carbs and added sugar and noticed the incredible baby fat loss. I feel strong and healthy. I really appreciate my husband who been very supportive and kept me motivated during my postpartum journey. And yes, I’m still nursing my baby!

If I’m hungry, I eat. I listen to my body. I don’t deprive myself. I give my body the good fuel it needs. I try to eat intuitively and not out of habit.

Just do it, this instant! Don’t start tomorrow or the day after tomorrow or next month. Start this very moment. Don’t sit around with that stubborn body fat. Get rid of it! These deadlines based goals tend to just overwhelm us and many times cause us to burn out and quit. Don’t give yourself a deadline. Why does it matter if you lose 50 pounds by June? So what if it’s October? Don’t put these unnecessary expectations on yourself. Get started, live a healthy life, follow a meal plan, and get moving! Do this every day and the rest will take care of itself!

Goals are reachable once you have a plan in place!